

Twitch+ is a web application to track favorite Twitch resources for users. I deployed it on both heroku (lightweight version) and on GCP (more scalable and stable). This is an ongoing project which I keep thinking of new featuers and iteratively update my work. Here are some features I have built. [code]

  • Custom game search
  • Multiple resource extraction (Stream/Video/Clip)
  • Like/unlike & Favorite panel
  • Recommendations & Hot games list

Tech Stack & Methodology

  • REST APIs with Java servlets
  • API lib: Twitch API
  • Security :JWT Authentication
  • Data: MySQL query optimization, HikariCP connection pool, Hibernate lazy loading
  • AI: Recommender system - Content-based filtering, Matrix factorization and Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN)
  • Cloud: GCP (Compute engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery)

Zhenlin Wang

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