CLI-nic is an application to help medical supply managers keep track of medical products and storage. It is optimized for these managers to update product supply conditions and access critical product information quickly via fast typing and efficient Graphical User Interface interaction.
It is my CS2103 Software Engineering project. I collaborated with Chan Qin Liang, Jeffrey Tan Jian Sheng, Lim Zheng Wei and Toh Yu Ting in an Agile style. We managed to build this app within 3 months with a sprint of 3 weeks. In addition to the app itself, we produced an extensive documentation (developer's guide and user's guide) for our app utilizing UML diagrams significantly.

Major contributions:
- Implemented data models
- Implemented deletion and search modules
- factory method
- dependency injection
- adapter pattern
DevOp related:
- Extensive unit testing/integration testing
- Documentation
Tech & Methodology
- Iterative development
- Sprint
- Agile scrum and Kanban Practices
- Unit Testing / Integration Testing with JUnit Test
- CI/CD with GitHub Actions